Showing: 199 - 207 of 247 RESULTS
For Her For Him French Touch

Looking For Fun? How About Some Ping-Pong?

Ping-Pong is one of the most popular games in the world. Why? Maybe because it’s suitable for everyone. It is something that you can play in groups, with people of …

For Him Texting Tips

Mistakes to Avoid: 4 Tips To Attract Women

Ask your buddies for tips to attract women, and you’ll probably hear the same old advice over and over again: “Be aggressive. Be blunt. If you think she’s playing hard …

Attraction For Her For Him

How To Deal With Breakups And Texting Disasters

Lyrical Relief For How To Deal With Breakups …And there I was, listening to “Making Love Out Of Nothing At All” for the 900th time. When you start voluntarily listening …

For Her For Him French Touch

New Relationship Advice For Turbocharged Texting

Many times new relationship advice revolves around what to wear, or how to look. While tucking in your shirt, making eye contact and brushing your teeth are all important, so …

Dating Tips For Her For Him Text Flirting

Texting After The First Date And Scoring The Second

No matter how well you felt the date went, texting after the first date can be scary. After all, what if they said they had a nice time just to …

woman holding onto man's leg trying to get him backAttraction For Her For Him

Texting And How To Get The Love Of Your Life Back

Salvaging Your Relationship: How To Get The Love Of Your Life Back Couples break up every day. However when it was a deep relationship with a special bond, it’s normal …

woman with fan over her face trying to play a playerFor Her For Him Text Flirting

How To Play A Player Without Getting Hurt

Before I dive into this subject, I’d like to make something clear: this article is not focused on turning you into a player. However, it’s important to understand how players …